How to achieve amazing consistency in posting to your social media accounts

How solopreneurs and freelancers can operate like social media marketing pros

Heather Chavin
9 min readNov 9, 2020

When you look at people that do social media marketing for a living — folks who do amazing consistency for a living, they all have a few things in common. I call them the Big Three.

  1. They use a content or editorial calendar informed by metrics
  2. They pre-program their posts to publish at optimized times using a scheduler
  3. They produce high-quality content worth consuming

These folks also often have a team, some experience, and access to resources.

But in this brave new digital world, you can operate like a pro. You can build a team and you can use the free versions of the tools the pros pay for to get you launched.

Here’s how I did it.

My first step was to build a premium community within my business called GoGoPublish. It’s the ultimate accountability for me, but also, having others around means support for tough times, input for struggles, and someone there to celebrate with me when I hit those milestones! We’re social creatures and don’t thrive in isolation, I’ve learned that accountability and meaning from working…



Heather Chavin

Productivity/mastermind nerd, coach in Seth Godin’s Akimbo community, inbound digital marketer, former mental health professional, Hasher & Airbnb owner.